Well at one one point he mentioned how he was Baptised at 11.
That explains a lot!
so i've been pretty good at not going to meetings lately.
yesterday i went for the co's last talks.
older co. his last talk was absolutely shocking.
Well at one one point he mentioned how he was Baptised at 11.
That explains a lot!
when i first learn ttatt i started telling every one.
ttatt will not help him, it will destroy him.
all his family are jws.
This is what kills me about loosing my faith, the pain of knowing the universe is profoundly indifferent to us, faced with such suffering
Yea, ,me to!
the thought suddenly struck me plain and obvious: "these dogs won't stop until i'm good and bloody.".
there were two of them; a mixed breed of boxer and pit bull; clean, white--collared, tagged and--for some inexplicable reason, ferociously intent on tearing me to shreds!.
ah, but i'm getting ahead of myself.
Terry, that is an awful experience. My heart started racing when I was reading your experience. I don't ride a bike but I jog in the early morning in a park. About 4 months ago I was attacked by five dogs that were running loose. This was around 5:30 am and there was no one around to help me. Fortunately I was close to my truck and the door was open, so I escaped. I haven't jogged since because the experience scared the hoots out of me.
But it did get me to thinking since I love jogging in the early morning and I don't want to give it up.But I won't go without protection ever again. I decided to buy a small gun. So I'm saving the money to buy a Glock and carry it with me when I jog. I am going to take a lot of training, get a permit and when I'm ready, hopefully next summer, I'm going jogging again in the early morning.
Let those dogs come.
when i first learn ttatt i started telling every one.
ttatt will not help him, it will destroy him.
all his family are jws.
I disagree your young elder with the JW family does not qualify. What the hell is someone in their 20's doing being an elder anyway? He should out gaining life experience and having fun doing it. Serve his community, yes, but in a more age appropriate way.
The 20 +year old is a quadriplegic, he can't go out and have fun and serve his community. He needs someone to push his wheel chair, change his diaper, feed him etc. His jw family does that.
i talked to a close friend that served with me as an elder for a few years.
he allowed me about an hour to explain why 607 is not the correct date for the destruction of ancient jerusalem.
i showed him all the scriptures needed and i showed him the wt magazines that proved it.
My eisegesis was epic. CTR himself would have been impressed with my bullshit.
She died thinking that the very next thing she'd see would be Paradise. I did nothing to attempt to change that. I played right into what I believe to have been a false hope on her part, and solidified it as best I could for her
Those were some of the sweetest lies that ever passed my lips, I'd take none back.
Sometimes TTATT is flat out the worst thing that you can offer a JW, sad but true, imo.
That was cool, she died in peace.
when i first learn ttatt i started telling every one.
ttatt will not help him, it will destroy him.
all his family are jws.
Island Man
Every JW deserves to know TTATT. But special care needs to be exercised when sharing it with some
I agree special care is needed when sharing. I went through hell when I found out. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it. I was a daily and nightly struggle for a while. Then finally the clouds started clearing. I don't think I have the expertise to help everyone.
when i first learn ttatt i started telling every one.
ttatt will not help him, it will destroy him.
all his family are jws.
when i first learn ttatt i started telling every one.
ttatt will not help him, it will destroy him.
all his family are jws.
When I first learn TTATT I started telling “EVERY ONE”
And it got me in trouble. I lost my family and many friends. But I’m telling you this; I’m the type of person that just couldn’t live a fake life.I was already getting fed up with the hypocrisy. I wouldn’t be able to keep going to the Kingdom Hall, field service, and conventions knowing what the WT really is. I’m just not wired that way.
I’m rethinking my whole view on who should become aware of TTATT and who doesn’t qualify.
Let me give you some examples on who doesn’t qualify to become aware of TTATT. And I think we should stay far away from them.
I know of couple of JWs who are elders and both are quadriplegic. One of them is in his late 50s married to a young sister probably in her late 30s. She married him because of his determination to be an elder or what they call a “SPRITUAL MAN”. This man has what he has because of being a Jehovah Witness. He gets all the respect that is given to elders and more because of his handicap. He is looking forward to getting his body restored and being with his wife forever. TTATT will not help him, it will destroy him.
The second JW is in his 20s and also an elder. He is busy giving talks, and doing all the elder stuff and looking forward to the NEW ORDER. All his family are JWs. Every JW that knows him gives him plenty of adulation, and this has him in a good, happy mood most of the time. This man does not qualify for TTATT. It would destroy him.
A sister in her late 50s. Pioneered since her Teens and still pioneering. Gave up having children and her husband just died. She has no family at all and barely makes ends meet. The JWs help her from time to time and most respect that she has sacrificed her life for the Truth. This lady does not qualify for TTAT. It would destroy her at that age and she has no resources.
Children- They all qualify. A parent who knows TTATT should do all in His/Her power to make them aware of TTATT so their lives are not ruin.
Who else does not qualify for TTATT?
i talked to a close friend that served with me as an elder for a few years.
he allowed me about an hour to explain why 607 is not the correct date for the destruction of ancient jerusalem.
i showed him all the scriptures needed and i showed him the wt magazines that proved it.
Those well meaning people who were so happy to convince me TTATT disappeared immediately after they accomplished their goal. I really don't have warm and fuzzy feelings for these opportunists.
steve2In fact, the mentality to get people out mirrors the JW mentality of trying to get people in;
Hey, this is good stuff.
Either way, If I was starting out my life and was in this cult, I would appreciate if someone spared me the pain of wasting my life on door to door and tons of meetings and guilt trips and all the other useless stuff.
But If I was older and had given up everything, like having kids, going to school, had pioneer all my life, Please don't tell me about TTATT.
i talked to a close friend that served with me as an elder for a few years.
he allowed me about an hour to explain why 607 is not the correct date for the destruction of ancient jerusalem.
i showed him all the scriptures needed and i showed him the wt magazines that proved it.
Many of these to whom I refer may hold positions of responsibility that they enjoy. They get tremendous affirmation by remaining Elders or pioneers or public speakers (esp assembly or convention parts).
I don't think it worth it. It's an awful life. They don't realize it's much better out here where you are free to explore anything you want. Plus, if a person really wants to, they can make other friends.